Monday, January 31, 2011

Fresno Pacific Univ. Kin 710 Week 4 Entry #11

Just got through looking at a website call TECHNORATI for last 20 min. and got minimal results!?  Apparently TECHNORATI is a search engine for BLOGS.  I didn't like the website at all.  My first search in "blogs" gave me 1.9 million results, which is alot! I found some interesting titles and topics but alot of the content seemed to be cluttered, maybe I didn't filter right...? But then my next couple searches or attempeted searches yielded nothing, nada!  Blog directory gave me ZERO, Tags gave me ZERO, and Post gave me ZERO.  Maybe I wasn't searching the proper way, but my colleague tried the website and also had problems searching and getting results...?  What ever, I spent 20 minutes looking at the website and even if I was searching wrong, 20min is to long to try and figure the site out.  A website shouldn't be that confusing, again maybe it was me.

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